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February 2008

Probably written 1962 to Hy's sister Mildred and her husband Leo.  The letter refers to events in January, 1961, and to Jai's 16th birthday a few days before Hy wrote this letter.

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May 1, 1962, to my parents
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Undated.  I suspect this is between 1963 and 1965 because it refers to my being welcome there, and I visited in 1965.  (I would longing to do so for years.) On the other hand, at the end is a reference to Jean, the 2nd wife of Lou, Hy's father, which may refer to Lou's death.  That occurred in 1958.  Family members may well be able to date the letter better from internal content.

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The following is unsigned and undated but probably written by Hy.  From the reference to de Gaulle, I'm guessing early 1960s.  Note the reflex to invoke history as a way to help understand the present.  To my ears, this letter reminds me of how my father wrote, perhaps a result of similar culture growing up, political evolution, life interests and public school education..

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