A couple of posts offered to Turn Left…and rejected (as usual, without notification or explanation)

POST 1 (accompanying this link): Bernie-only supporters: How do you handle his endorsement of Biden and attempt to work with him? Is he imperfect but still worthy of support? Has…

Continue ReadingA couple of posts offered to Turn Left…and rejected (as usual, without notification or explanation)

Independent post re Biden, offered to Turn Left (on Facebook; I think admin approved this–go figure)

It appears that before proceeding with comments relating to Biden, it is obligatory on Turn Left to reassure readers that one is not happy he will be the nominee. I…

Continue ReadingIndependent post re Biden, offered to Turn Left (on Facebook; I think admin approved this–go figure)

Right-wing tail wagging the American dog

My extended comments follow this PDF copy of a long e-mail I received today from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/…/american-public-re…/). As you'll see, they're devoting some time…

Continue ReadingRight-wing tail wagging the American dog